#Private Detective Anti Sextortion

Hundreds of people scammed by "grazers"!

How to react and what are the best practices to adopt if you have to deal with this type of blackmail?

What does a case of sexual sextorsion and blackmail look like?
The way they use the scammers is always the same: the victim goes to a dating site and then begins the conversation with a young woman or a young man with attractive physique.

After an exchange and questions about his private life, this person invites him to go deeper into a more intimate video conversation.

Some time later, an email or message through a social network will teach the victim that this video encounter has been recorded.

The cyber-crook or grazers will then threaten to broadcast the video of this exchange on the Facebook or youtube account, or even sell it to a media support or a video sharing site if the victim does not give him more money or less important in a very short time ...
The violence of the terms used by the scammer and the risk of exposure of your private life is a trauma. It is advisable to talk to someone you trust

Then, you felt destroyed and you have only one desire, it is to put an end to your life, one advises you to remain totally hermetic to any attempt of blackmail and not to communicate any personal data or to pour money whatever the amount requested.

You need to set up your corporate social accounts and Facebook accounts so that the perpetrator does not associate your name with a list of friends, contacts. Make your Facebook profile accessible only to your trusted friends.

Finally, do not post anything personal on your wall. Evil people can divert this information for other purposes.

Take screenshots justifying your situation messages received, contents to be deleted ...
Contact an expert on sexual harassment on the internet, or a specialized private detective agency anti sextortion


What is sextortion? Sex + extortion?

This neologism has its origin in the English sextortion that as defined by Wikipedia is a form of sexual exploitation in which a person is blackmailed through a naked image of herself that has shared through the Internet through sexting. The victim is subsequently coerced into having sex with the blackmailer, to produce pornography or other actions.

That is, it does not necessarily have to do with extortion, which in morocco is usually used only for blackmail of an economic nature, but when tracing the English term has remained extortion, for its easy merger with sex, and so has begun to use by the media.

Blackmail is usually done online, as it ensures a certain degree of anonymity to the criminal.

"Given the blackmail strategies [that can be found on social networks], adolescents do not have enough reaction capacity to ask for help, and they enter a dynamic that has serious consequences." M, director of private detective agency in Casablanca Morocco

The first uses of the term go back to the 1950s but it is in the age of the Internet where it is again topical, when it is linked to one of the most notoriously linked cybercrimes to sexting, as reflected in the cases transmitted by the media.

Types of sextorssion

To minors or adults.

By means of images obtained through webcam, e-mail, instant messaging, telephones or other mobile devices: that is, by all the means used to perform sexting.

By means of images obtained in the context of a sentimental relationship.

For the purpose of sexual abuse, pornographic exploitation for private use, for pedophile or commercial networks, economic extortion or any other type of coercion.

Punctual or continuous.

Made by acquaintances, ex-lovers or unknown people.


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